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Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Citizens' reactions.. #OccupyNigeria #FuelSubsidyRemoval (Part 3)

iamlosa (Lekan STEPHEN) 
We should be prepared to use #OccupyNigeria as a means of delivering the nation from the stranglehold of corruption and other vices.
EiENigeria (EiE Nigeria) 
Way Forward: (1) Return to Status Quo - N65 pump price (2) Reduce Cost of Governance (3) Plug the holes in the oil sector (4) Provide Power.
SamSmoooth (Agent Oxide) 
Nigerian Government is Strong against the weak (masses) bot Weak against the strong (boko haram/Cabals/millitants).
iambigbrains (Big Brains) 
Say No to GEJ, Okonjo Iweala, Fuel subsidy removal and all dia supporters, hell awaits dem!
SelfInterest is d mother of all rationalization...We #occupyNigeria
2faceidibia (Innocent Idibia) 
The fed. Govt of naija hve told us 2 go fck ourselves n there's nothing we can do about it! That's my interpretation of what's going on now.
MistarHughes (Sokleva-Rooftop MCs) 
New year's eve GEJ was prolly watching Nigerians celebrating the entry of a new year all the while singing to himself Ara mbe ti mo fe da!!! 

My prayer is dt no Nigerian starve 2 death cos of d TOTAL strike bt trust me NLC & TUC wnt back down till d demands re met #OccupyNigeria
Nigerians !!! the time is RIGHT to FIGHT for our RIGHT. so lets get it RIGHT only this time #OccupyNigeria
Realomosexy (Omotola. j .Ekeinde) 
This fight is Beyond Fuel subsidy! #Nigeriaunite #enoughisenough #SaveNigeria #occcupyNigeria The Revolution has begun! 
ugodre (UgoDre Obi - Chukwu) 
Those supporting subsidy removal can you kindly tell me what they did with the proceeds of subsidy removal on diesel?? #OcccupyNigeria 
OluyomiOjo (Yomi_Urbanbaze) 
When the time comes, Nigerians will speak for themselves. - Obafemi Awolowo
deleodufuye (Dele Odufuye) 
over 15,000 police were stationed in abuja and 20,000 in lagos for the peaceful protest. 0 was stationed against Boko Haram #occupynigeria
qizziebreezie (HeerbdewlQuddus) 
Dnt get it wrong tho. Removal of subsidy has its advantages,in d long run bt then timin changes everything..u cushion b4 u deal deadly blows.
fashionloungeng (The Kemi Akande) 
Pele 2 ppl whose birthday's it is 2day, u aint going #OccupyYourRoom :-(
This is an issue of trust.. The way we have been lied to since the 1960's make us scared n angry. Enough is enough.

deeadebisi (Dee Adebisi) 
Most impressive turnout ever..... Nigerians are finally ready!!! #occupyNigeria

SharonOjong (Rekana Sharon Ojong) 
May God protect and guide all angry citizens/visitors of Nigeria out there protesting or staying home. Peace, Unity and progress is ours.
Thank you and God bless you to ALL of you out there protesting for good governance. You are our heroes and your efforts will not be in vain. 

RuggedyBaba (Ruggedman) 
#occupyNigeria Is Jonathan + okonjo iwuala + sanusi + IMF greater than 160million Nigerians?

clancycnn Jim Clancy
#OccupyNigeria The plight of millions of Nigerians is part of the vast corruption that pervades the country - making millionaires of a few.

ogundamisi ©Canary!
Remove Subsidy 100 times if U don't block d national leakage, then it's a macabre dance! #occupyNigeria to stop corruption!

See Part 2 

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