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Wednesday, 11 January 2012

TheGlamPRO: Remi Owadokun, C.E.O. Buttons Couture.

It's gonna be a very interesting 2012 with juicy series coming from us at TheGlamOfficial to you. 

We are back with a new, revealing series "TheGlamPRO" where we get to talk with different professionals soaring in various sectors and know them more socially, personally and career-wise.
Our first pro is none other than the brain behind the very sophisticated and flashy fashion label, BUTTONS COUTURE, in the person of the very creative Remi Owadokun.

Remi Buttons is her name, Remi being her original name and Buttons being part of her brand’s name, Buttons Couture. She was born in Brazil by a Nigerian Medical doctor and a Brazilian linguistic mother in 1987. She is in between two men. Asides designing, she loves to write and travel. She has been designing for 8years just for fun and decided to take it serious a couple of years back. 

Remi Buttons just recently launched her 2011 collection. It was inspired by the 2010 collection. It is called ‘Dare’ by Buttons Couture. This collection has less buttons than the last collection and more emphasis was placed on the logo.

She says: ‘I want people to be able to see my logo and be able to recognize the brand even without asking. I called it ‘Dare’ because I took a lot of risk in terms of design and execution. Also because I used popular faces who could have easily decided to be unavailable. But they did and I’m glad.'
We got across to her and she was very accommodating and quick to give us answers to the questions below.
Also see a few pictures from her 2011 collection.

Enjoy the interview..
G.O:    May we know your full name.
Remi:  Remilekun Manoela Carolino Owadokun

G.O:    Birthday (year is optional) 
Remi:  March 19, 1987

G.O:    What is the composition of your family. 
Remi:  We are four in number. My mother, an elder brother, myself and my younger brother. My dad is late.
G.O:    Sorry about your loss. How did fashion take off for you? 
Remi:  My mother threatened to throw away all my sketches if I didn't stop littering the house.

G.O:    Wow! So when did you decide to have the beautiful Buttons Couture label? 
Remi:  I registered it in 2009, but i have been nursing the desire for quite some time. But i was waiting to get the right name to represent my brand.

G.O:     When designing pieces, where do you get your inspiration? 
Remi:   I get a lot of inspiration from my fabrics and also, buttons.
G.O:     With so many fashion labels in Nigeria now, what stands the Buttons Couture label out?
Remi:   I pray for more fashion labels to come oh, honestly. The population of Nigeria is over 150 million and we don't have enough to cater for 10 percent at the moment. #hahahaha. But for me, I think i use buttons to adorn my clothing and when I don't, you'll see my logo either in-front or behind.

G.O:     If you were not into fashion, what career would you have taken up? 
Remi:   Fashion is not my only business. I am a business woman and entrepreneur. It would be Interior Design, which I will eventually do with time.

G.O:     What do you think about the Nigeria Fashion Industry? 
Remi:   There is still so much room for improvement, however, we have come a very long way from yesterday. Nigerians are now beginning to appreciate their own. What else can we ask for? We are on the right track.

G.O:      Saw your latest lookbook and realized celebrities such as M.I, Chidinma, Denrele, Mike Anyasodo and Uti modeled your pieces. Any idea behind that? 
Remi:    Well I like to challenge myself and I like to be challenged. I usually use Celebs as Models. If you check out my 2010 collection, you'll notice. My clothes are flashy, for people who want to stand out and they easily fall into this category. However, for this set of people my friend dared me... and I gladly honored the challenge. 

G.O:       I have not really seen the BC label on runways. Any reason? 
Remi:     Well, I have been invited to be part of many runways but I was not prepared for them. I want a few things in place first. Definitely, this year, you'll see more of me on runways.

G.O:       Excited! Where do we see BC in the next 5, 10 years? 
Remi:     I hope that people all over the world will aspire to have at least one piece of my clothing in their wardrobe. 
G.O:       Who is your favorite designer (local or international)?
Remi:     Locally, Deola Sagoe and Mai. Internationally, Roberto Cavalli.

G.O:       Going personally now, are you married or in a relationship?  
Remi:     Lol! Ameboo oooo! I AM IN LOVE!

G.O:       No be my fault. Who is your ideal man? 
Remi:     A man that knows me, respects me, believes in me, supports me and accepts me.
G.O:       What keeps Remi going?  i.e. your inner strengths and drive.
Remi:     I don't believe in the word, impossible. So everyday I wake up, I look at the tablet beside my bed that reads "only those who see the invisible can accomplish the impossible".
G.O:       Name ONE thing people do not know about you.  
Remi:     I am left-handed.

G.O:       Advice to your fans who want to put their talents to work.
Remi:     You are your only limitation.

G.O:       Thank you so much for your time Remi.
Remi:     You rock princess. I am honored!

See more of the fabulous pieces on Buttons

For more info:

+234 810 1883 353

+234 703 6802 476

You can also follow her on Twitter @RemiButtons 

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